Wednesday, June 11, 2008

SUCCESS!!! (even more on crayons/dryers)

Okay, I got all the crayon out of the clothes and out of the dryer!!! Yay!!!! I am happy mom again! After reading all of the many (and some really scary or strange) suggestions, I opted for the toothpaste one for the dryer. Well, low and behold, I do not have any in the house that is just plain old white with onto the next one. Comet. Yeah, none of that either. So I tried Soft Scrub. That worked. But first I ran the dryer on hot for about 15 minutes. Then I just squirt some Soft Scrub on a wet rag and dipped my scrub brush into it, patted a bit off and went at it. At first it didn't look like it was working, but then all of a sudden it wasn't so pink anymore! It took about 10 minutes. Then I wiped it down with another wet rag. Right now I have three white rags (two wet, one dry) going in the dryer to see if anything gets on them.

For the clothes, I put a whole cupful of laundry detergent (the whole cap full which is at a "4"...I normally use it up to the "2" so that's twice as much as normal) into a bowl. I mixed in 6 oz. of baking soda (cause I didn't have the 8 oz the "recipe" called for) and put that into the washer with the HOT water. Also added a whole cup of Shout. Let it fill up and swish for a few minutes, then let it sit for an hour and then finished out the wash cycle. Voila!!!

How in the world did we ever survive without Google?? I wonder what the fate was of all the kids who had pre-google mommies who got crayon all over their clothes and dryers. Based on the sheer number of hits and panic stricken cries for help I read, I think this is a fairly common problem. And be certain that just because there is now Google, my son (who I won't throw under the bus on a public forum but who's name starts with a B) got a major talking to this morning. I think he learned his lesson when I told him the melted crayon was all over his "dog tag" necklace and it's in one big jumbled mess. Funny, this is the same kid who got it yesterday when I discovered WET clothes in the hamper. How did I discover this? By the smell of wet laundry sitting for 3 days, of course. That was yesterday. He got the speech about that yesterday. And even more funny than that? The real kicker is that the smelly load was the same load that got the crayon on it. Man, what is it with boys and laundry??

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