Monday, June 2, 2008

Hm, what should I write about today??

Okay, my sister informed me today that I needed to blog that she has something interesting to read! She reminded me that is has been almost a month since I posted a new blog. I ran out of excuses (reasons, really...and good ones) so now I am sitting here trying to think of something interesting. This is too much pressure!!! lol The truth is, I don't have much to say that is interesting right now. Why, you may ask? I really don't know. Sometimes in the dead of night I will wake up with something on my mind, and I will think to myself, "Oh, something good to blog about tomorrow". Apparently that is as far as it gets. I keep telling my husband (and anyone else that will either believe me or concur with me) that unless it's written down, I will NOT remember. Well, then I guess it's a good thing I have a blog...or I may not remember my life. Seriously, if it's not written down on a piece of paper & set on my counter for me to see a hundred times a day, good luck. It's althzeimers, I'm sure of it. (Side note: why does this spell check only highlight the misspelled words, and not actually give you the correct spelling for them?? K, just curious). Sometimes I get all excited and start reading other peoples blogs. Before I know it, I've looked at every link on thier blogs, which means I'm reading blogs of strangers, and then I'll get on with my day and remember later...'oh, I was gonna blog on my blog today. Oh well'.

1 comment:

McB's said...

YAH! something fun to read, hehe. I know what you mean, i get caught up in other people's lives, people I don't even know, and pretty soon I've just spent an hour reading stuff!! :)