Thursday, May 8, 2008
Speedracer Rises From The Dust...
*Reusable power solution for high-tech devices
*Ideal for toys and games, digital cameras and audio devices
One would think that when purchasing rechargeable (to be interpreted as "retartable" in this case) batteries that claim to be ideal for something, in this case a digital camera, that the product would indeed be ideal for the use intended. Notice how happy these folks look with thier purchace. Clearly they are happy to have a battery that works well with the little boys toy. Well, what about the big boys toys? Like the digital camera I mentioned? Doesn't the marketing on the web site and the packaging label state that it will work? These batteries last just long enough to view and take about 10 pictures before they are no longer "strong enough" for the camera. I went to the website to make sure we bought the right thing, since we only had the young boy at the counter at Target and our own selves to rely on at the store. That's when I found this picture and the description of what these batteries are for. On the website, I also found a section called "Testimonials". Testimonials for batteries? Are they joking? Yeah, they must have been because no one has left a testimonial. Well, I'll be the first. Here's a testimonial for ya...Your batteries a worthless in digital cameras! There should be a warning label that says: Warning--may cause headaches. May cause frustration. May cause you to want to smash your camera on the ground. Probably won't work for anything that you buy from anywhere but the Dollar Store!
Monday, May 5, 2008
And then the punch line...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
How to spend your IRS Stimulus Check
1) If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China.
2) If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.
3) If we purchase a computer it will go to India.
4) If we purchase fruits and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.
5) If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan.
6) If we purchase useless junk it will go to Taiwan.
None of this will help the American economy.
We need to keep that money here in America!
The only way to do that is to spend it at yard sales, since those are the only businesses still in the US........................
Friday, May 2, 2008
My new best friends
Thursday, May 1, 2008
"WHAT"?...Funny prayers
Heartfelt prayers...
Vans with Magic Doors, driver's licenses & your own car
Abbey: I'm gonna have a van just like this, only red. And with the magic doors.
Me: What are magic doors?
Abbey: You know, the ones that open and shut all by themselves. You're silly!
A few minutes later while we're driving:
Abbey: How old do you need to be to get a driver's license?
Me: 16
Abbey: So when I'm 16 I can go to the place where you get the answers right to the questions and they will give me a driver's license?
Me: That's basically how it works, yeah...giggle.
Abbey: Sooo, do they have a car there to give me?
Me: No. They only give you the license.
Abbey: But don't they have a car for me to use for when I take the test?
Me: No honey, you have to bring your own.
Abbey: (under her breath) Oh my gosh....then, sigh
Abbey: (after a few seconds of watching the wheels turning in her head) Well, then we can use your car. You can actually drive me there! huge smile.
Maybe no one reading this is laughing like I did when it happened, but I think it's so dang funny!
My blog is possessed
P.S. Just checked, still there. For now...
P.S.S. Okay, I am so lame (huge surprise)!! The little envelope is to email me...not
to leave a comment! Dang it!