Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When I get one

I'm driving Spencer to mutual and I have Abbey with us. Here is the chat in the van:

ABBEY: Mom, how do you know how to get to the church?
ME: Because we go there all the time.
ABBEY: I know, but how did you know how to get there all the time?
ME: I'm very smart.
ABBEY: I know. I don't know if I'm going to be able to find the church when I need to.
ME: thinking, hm...where's this conversation going...?
ABBEY: Well, I'll never be able to remember so I'll just have to have my husband drive me there; when I get one that is.


The Petersen 5 said...

Man, someone's a little impatient to grow up. Just keep her away from Aiden cause he can't wait to get married and have a wife too! What's up with that?

BonBon said...

I don't know...she is always talking about when she has a husband and when she has kids...she has done that for as long as I can remember...too funny!